Phone: 425-743-4243

kenyon picture
E. W. Kenyon
1867 - 1948

What We Believe


We Stand for We stand for the whole Bible as the whole revelation of God in Christ, and that what God revealed in Christ is every true believer's heritage.
The Eternal Godhead We believe in the eternal godhead of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
The Finished Work We believe in the finished work of Jesus Christ.
The Holy Spirit We believe in the Holy spirit and His indwelling presence.
Healing We believe healing is for us.
Miracles We believe the miracles of the Book of Acts is to be perpetuated.
New Kind of Love
We believe in the new kind of love that Jesus brought to the law of the brethren, and we believe we are to walk in that love.
Eternal Reward We believe in the eternal reward of the righteous and the eternal punishment of the wicked.
Jesus Christ
We believe that Jesus Christ is the Head and Lord of the body.
The Great Commission
We believe in the Great Commission.
The Second Coming
We believe in the second coming of our Lord.